Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Old Religion...Somehow seems to be the Same as the New...

Remarkable how modern day "Christian" Holidays resemble the "Old Religion"...

Modern American Witches, recognize eight high holy days or Sabbats that together with the thirteen full moon observances or Esbats create the Pagan Wheel of the Year. It is through the observance of the changing of the Wheel of the Year, that we as witches can gain insight into our own personal growth and change as well as honor the seasons and come to recognize the ebbs and flows of cosmic energy in the world around us.
The eight solar Sabbats represent the turning of the Wheel of the Year, and each honors a stage in the eternal life cycle of the God and Goddess. We as witches see the year as a whole which forever turns in seasons and cycles, without beginning and without ending. Because the cycle of the year continues without beginning and ending we call it a wheel. The God is born, then dies and then is reborn of his own seed again. The Goddess goes from being a young girl to a mother, then ages into a crone and changes back again in a never ending cycle or change and renewal.
Each of the eight holidays has its own unique energy and symbolism. Below you will see each of the eight holidays....

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