Bombshell: Harry Reid behind Bundy cattle ranch scandal, according to purged documents
Demonstrators protest the federal government’s treatment of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy.
Demonstrators protest the federal government’s treatment of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy.
Land the Bundy family has been using for cattle ranching is getting in the way of that project, according to documents formerly posted on the Bureau of Land Management’s government website but since removed.
The acting director of the Bureau of Land Management is Neil Kornze, a former senior policy advisor for Reid.
Here is a screenshot of one crucial document from Google’s cache.
The most interesting line might be:
“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle.”The federal government’s story so far is that the whole showdown is necessary for the protection of gopher tortoises.
Here’s how The Blaze’s Dana Loesch puts it in “The Real Story of the Bundy Ranch”:
BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area. If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor.From the document purged from the BLM website, it’s clear there are more than tortoises at stake.
There’s a $5 billion foreign energy project in the works, with Reid and his son directly involved, and his former go-to guy on development issues in the driver’s seat at the Bureau of Land Management.
And there’s an American citizen and cattle rancher standing in the way of federal agents armed with guns and the full power of the federal government behind them.
What could go wrong?