Another arrogant violation of Article I Section I of the Constitution
Kurt Nimmo
November 2, 2013
November 2, 2013
The Obama administration on Friday once again disrespected the Constitution by signing an executive order that circumvents Congress and the American people.
The latest move defiantly ignores a decision by Congress in 2009 to not establish a cap-and-trade system that would have supposedly discouraged greenhouse-gas emissions. The Waxman-Markey bill passed the House but was defeated in the Senate. At the time, Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.
The latest unconstitutional EO establishes a task force of state and local officials “to advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires, droughts and other potential impacts of climate change.” according to Fox News.
The EO lumps extreme weather events under the discredited rubric of climate change. It will mandate new federal building codes under Agenda 21′s “sustainability” and promises to “address climate impacts and infrastructure needs.” The order was praised by the EPA and its administrator, Gina McCarthy, who said it serves as a “roadmap for agency work” and forces the nation to face what it deems are “climate-related challenges.”
The EO will withhold money expropriated by the federal government from the states if they do not sign on to the latest climate scam proposals. It will “bring sweeping new changes to land use and resource policies,” “refocus of climate change data and use of it to push a new agenda into every priority of the federal government,” and, importantly, make policies immune to challenge by establishing “a new internal organization for coordination efforts during a government sequestration and possible future shutdowns.”
A study released last year debunked Al Gore’s “hockey stick” graph on warming and states that thestatistical outcomes on climate change produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and associated organizations are “quite wrong.”
Data compiled by NASA’s Langley Research Center earlier this year, writes Ethan A. Huff for Natural News, reveals that “all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it.”
Article I Section I of the Constitution unambiguously states that Congress, not the executive, has legislative power. An executive order is not lawful legislation.
“An Executive Order is a policy or procedure issued by the President that is a regulation that applies only to employees of the Executive Branch of government,” notes the Tenth Amendment Center. “When a President issues an unconstitutional Executive Order and Congress allows the order to stand they are violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”
This article was posted: Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 9:35 am
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