Israel Joins Most of the World In Banning Water Fluoridation
Israel is not the odd man out.
Only 369 million of the world’s 7 billion people drink water which is intentionally fluoridated:
In other words, a mere 5% of the world’s people drink artificially fluoridated water.
25 countries (listed above) out of the world’s 193 countries – 13% – have some water fluoridation program. But only 11 of those countries - 6% – have more than 50% of their population drinking fluoridated water.
Only 3% of Western Europeans drink fluoridated water:
But 194,206,000 Americans drink fluoridated water. That is more than half of all people who drink fluoridated water worldwide.
Why does most of the world – including most rich, developed nations – avoid water fluoridation? It’s not superstition or bad science.
An overwhelming number of scientific studies conclude that cavity levels are falling worldwide … even in countries which don’t fluoridate water.
World Health Organization Data (2012) -
Tooth Decay Trends (12 year olds) in Fluoridated vs. Unfluoridated Countries:
And tooth decay started substantially declining well before fluoridation was started:
And even many prominent leaders of the pro-water fluoridation movement have recently admitted publicly that they were wrong, including:
The Harvard School for Public Health reports:
Harvard’s announcement continues:
America is the Odd Man Out
On July 29, 2013, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that Israel must stop adding fluoride into public water supplies in one year, following a a decision on fluoride’s potential toxicity to humans by the Israeli health minister.Israel is not the odd man out.
Only 369 million of the world’s 7 billion people drink water which is intentionally fluoridated:
Countries that Fluoridate their Water(SOURCE: British Fluoridation Society (via FluorideAlert); November 2012) | ||
Country | Number of People Drinking Artificially Fluoridated Water | % of Population |
Argentina | 3,100,000 | 19% |
Australia | 17,600,000 | 80% |
Brazil | 73,200,000 | 41% |
Brunei | 375,000 | 95% |
Canada | 14,260,000 | 44% |
Chile | 11,800,000 | 70% |
Fiji | 300,000 | 36% |
Guatemala | 1,800,000 | 13% |
Guyana | 45,000 | 62% |
Hong Kong | 6,968,000 | 100% |
Irish Republic | 3,250,000 | 73% |
Israel | 5,270,000 | 70% |
Libya | 400,000 | 22% |
Malaysia | 20,700,000 | 75.5% |
New Zealand | 2,330,000 | 61% |
Panama | 510,000 | 15% |
Papa New Guinea | 102,000 | 6% |
Peru | 500,000 | 2% |
Serbia | 300,000 | 3% |
Singapore | 5,080,000 | 100% |
South Korea | 2,820,000 | 6% |
Spain | 4,250,000 | 11% |
United Kingdom | 5,797,000 | 11% |
United States | 194,206,000 | 64% |
Vietnam | 3,500,000 | 4% |
Total | 369,656,000 | 5% |
SOURCE: British Fluoridation Society (2012). One in a Million: The facts about water fluoridation. Available online at: (updated Nov. 2012) |
25 countries (listed above) out of the world’s 193 countries – 13% – have some water fluoridation program. But only 11 of those countries - 6% – have more than 50% of their population drinking fluoridated water.
Only 3% of Western Europeans drink fluoridated water:
Water Fluoridation Status of Western Europe(BFS 2012; via FluorideAlert) | |||
Country | Population Size* | No. of People w/ Fluoridated Water** | % w/ Fluoridated Water** |
Austria | 8,452,835 | 0 | 0% |
Belgium | 10,951,266 | 0 | 0% |
Denmark | 5,584,758 | 0 | 0% |
Finland | 5,413,830 | 0 | 0% |
France | 65,350,000 | 0 | 0% |
Germany | 81,859,000 | 0 | 0% |
Greece | 10,787,690 | 0 | 0% |
Iceland | 320,060 | 0 | 0% |
Irish Republic | 4,588,252 | 3,250,000 | 73% |
Italy | 60,820,787 | 0 | 0% |
Luxembourg | 511,800 | 0 | 0% |
Netherlands | 16,738,836 | 0 | 0% |
Norway | 5,027,800 | 0 | 0% |
Portugal | 10,561,614 | 0 | 0% |
Spain | 46,163,116 | 4,250,000 | 11% |
Sweden | 9,495,113 | 0 | 0% |
Switzerland | 7,952,600 | 0 | 0% |
United Kingdom | 62,262,000 | 5,797,000 | 11% |
TOTAL | 412,841,357 | 13,297,000 | 3% |
* ** British Fluoridation Society (2012). One in a Million: The facts about water fluoridation. Available online at: |
Why does most of the world – including most rich, developed nations – avoid water fluoridation? It’s not superstition or bad science.
An overwhelming number of scientific studies conclude that cavity levels are falling worldwide … even in countries which don’t fluoridate water.
World Health Organization Data (2012) -
Tooth Decay Trends (12 year olds) in Fluoridated vs. Unfluoridated Countries:
- John Colquhoun, DDS, Principal Dental Officer for Auckland, New Zealand and chair of that country’s Fluoridation Promotion Committee, reviewed New Zealand’s dental statistics in an effort to convince skeptics that fluoridation was beneficial and found that tooth decay rates were the same in fluoridated and nonfluoridated places, which prompted him to re-examine the classic fluoridation studies. He withdrew his support for it in “Why I Changed my Mind About Water Fluoridation” (Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 1997;41:29—44).
- Richard G. Foulkes, MD, a health care administrator and former assistant professor in the Department of Health Care and Epidemiology at the University of British Columbia also switched from pro to anti-water fluoridation after studying the issue.
- And Dr. Hardy Limeback PhD, DDS – one of the 12 scientists who served on the 2006 National Academy of Sciences review of fluoride, and Head of Preventive Dentistry at University of Toronto – wrote “Why I am Now Officially Opposed to Adding Fluoride to Drinking Water”
What has also changed is how much toxicologists know about the harmful effects of fluoride compounds. Ingested in high doses, fluoride is indisputably toxic; it was once commonly used in rat poison. Hydrogen fluoride is regulated as a hazardous pollutant in emissions from chemical plants and has been linked to respiratory illness. Even in toothpaste, sodium fluoride is a health concern. In 1997 the Food and Drug Administration toughened the warning on every tube to read, “If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison-control center right away.”Indeed, a United States National Academy of Science report, a Harvard meta-review of 27 studies, and many other government and university studies show that fluoride lowers IQ and causes a variety of other serious health problems.
The Harvard School for Public Health reports:
For years health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in the drinking water may be toxic to the developing human brain. Extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment. In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.Environmental Health Perspectives is a publication of the United States National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
The study [click for abstract] was published online in Environmental Health Perspectives on July 20, 2012.
Harvard’s announcement continues:
The researchers conducted a systematic review of studies…. Anna Choi, research scientist in the Department of Environmental Health at HSPH [and] Philippe Grandjean, adjunct professor of environmental health at HSPH, and their colleagues collated the epidemiological studies of children exposed to fluoride from drinking water. The China National Knowledge Infrastructure database also was included to locate studies published in Chinese journals. They then analyzed possible associations with IQ measures in more than 8,000 children of school age; all but one study suggested that high fluoride content in water may negatively affect cognitive development.
The average loss was only half of one IQ point, but some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. The children studied were up to 14 years of age, but the investigators speculate that any toxic effect on brain development may have happened earlier, and that the brain may not be fully capable of compensating for the toxicity.
“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain,” Grandjean says. “The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
Numerous other government reports have shown fluoride’s adverse impacts on intelligence:
Postscript: If you have always assumed that fluoridation is a good thing, you may have fallen prey to the same master of propaganda who convinced women to smoke. And dentists are well-meaning … but uninformed about fluoride[A] 2006 National Academy of Science [report ] reviews the scientific studies which have been performed on fluoride, and concludes:It is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain and the body by direct and indirect means. (bottom of page 222).The NAS report also notes that fluoride may actually impair intelligence, and that more testing should be done in this regard.
Indeed, studies from around the world continue to find that exposure to sodium fluoride – especially in the very young – lowers IQ. See this and this. The same is true for rats exposed to fluoride. See this and this. And see the studies listed here.
Dr. Vyvyan Howard – a PhD fetal pathologist, who is a professor of developmental toxico-pathology at the University of Liverpool and University of Ulster, president of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment and former president of the Royal Microscopical Society and the International Society for Stereology, and general editor of the Journal of Microscopy – said in a 2008 Canadian television interview (short, worthwhile video at the link) that studies done in several countries show that children’s IQ are likely to be lower in high natural water fluoride areas.
He said that these studies are plausible because fluoride is known to affect the thyroid hormone which affects intelligence and fluoride is also a known neurotoxicant. Such studies have not been conducted in countries that artificially fluoridate the water such as the US, UK and Canada, but should be, he said.
One scientist – Jennifer Luke – argued in a 2001 scientific article that fluoride accumulates in the brain (specifically, in the structure of the pineal gland) more than it accumulates in our bones. In other words, she implies that fluoride may accumulate more in the brain than in the teeth, doing more harm than good (here’s Luke’s 1997 PhD dissertation on the topic.)
The 2006 National Academy of Sciences report corroborates some of Luke’s allegations:
As with other calcifying tissues, the pineal gland can accumulate fluoride (Luke 1997, 2001). Fluoride has been shown to be present in the pineal glands of older people (14-875 mg of fluoride per kg of gland in persons aged 72-100 years), with the fluoride concentrations being positively related to the calcium concentrations in the pineal gland, but not to the bone fluoride, suggesting that pineal fluoride is not necessarily a function of cumulative fluoride exposure of the individual (Luke 1997, 2001). Fluoride has not been measured in the pineal glands of children or young adults, nor has there been any investigation of the relationship between pineal fluoride concentrations and either recent or cumulative fluoride intakes.ABC News from Raleigh-Durham reported last year:
As the I-Team dug into the science behind the fluoride controversy, we found study after study dating back to the 80s from respected academic and scientific institutions that connect fluoride to health dangers. Some of the studies were funded by the government. They suggest fluoride can be linked to brain, blood and bone deficiencies in humans. This past summer, Harvard University released a report after reviewing 27 studies of children in China exposed to fluoride. It concluded the higher the fluoride exposure, the lower the child’s IQ.The following video interviewing National Research Council scientists, a Nobel laureate in medicine, a professor of dentistry and other professionals summarizes the evidence fairly succinctly … and makes the case that our understanding of the damage fluoride can cause to our brains is like our growing understanding in the 1970s of the dangers of lead:
One of the most recognized reports was published in 2006 by The National Academy of Sciences. It found fluoride can affect the thyroid gland and potentially lower the intelligence of children.
“EPA’s drinking water standards are supposed to protect all persons against anticipated adverse health effects of the contaminant in question,” explained Kathleen Thiessen – one of the scientists who worked on the 400-page study. “And we concluded after three years worth of work that the drinking water standard for fluoride was not protected and cannot be assumed to be safe for humans.”
Thiessen said the EPA was warned about potential fluoride health dangers by one of its own chemists more than a decade ago. Dr. William Hirzy testified before a Senate subcommittee in 2000. He was representing the views of EPA scientists and staff who analyze hazards in the environment.
“In 1997, we voted to oppose fluoridation, and our opposition has grown stronger as more adverse data on the practice has come in,” said Hirzy.
“The CDC and others say whatever beneficial effect there is from fluoride is from topical use. It’s not from swallowing it. It never has been from swallowing it,” said Thiessen.
The I-Team discovered most western countries do not fluoridate their water. Dental records kept by the World Health Organization show tooth decay in those countries has declined at the same rate as here in the United States – where we do fluoridate our water.
(We started the video at 18 minutes in, but the whole video is worth watching.)
Dr. Mercola writes:
The harmful effects of fluoride have been known by conventional medical organizations for over half a century. For example, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) stated in their Sept. 18, 1943 issue that fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons that change the permeability of the cell membrane by certain enzymes. And, an editorial published in the Journal of the American Dental Associationon Oct. 1, 1944, stated:And Donald Miller – cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington – argues:
Drinking water containing as little as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental disturbances. We cannot run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances. The potentialities for harm outweigh those for good.Part of the problem is that it’s an accumulative toxin that, over time, can lead to significant health problems that are not immediately linked to fluoride over-exposure. In a 2005 paper entitled “Fluoride — A Modern Toxic Waste,” Lita Lee, Ph.D. writes:
Yiamouyiannis’ book, Fluoride, The Aging Factor, documents the cumulative effect of tissue damage by fluoride, commonly seen as aging (collagen damage), skin rashes and acne, gastrointestinal disorders, and many other conditions, including osteoporosis. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and the Safe Water Foundation reported that 30,000 to 50,000 excess deaths occur in the United States each year in areas in which the water contains only one ppm fluoride …Studies have shown that fluoride toxicity can lead to a wide variety of health problems, including:
Fluoride suppresses the immune system: Fluoride inhibits the movement of white blood cells by 70 percent, thereby decreasing their ability to reach their target. Yiamouyiannis cites 15 references in his pamphlet, Lifesavers Guide to Fluoridation, that document immunosuppressive effects of as little as 10 percent of the amount of fluoride used in fluoridated water … Immunosuppressive effects run the gamut, from a cold that won’t go away to increased risk of cancer and other infectious diseases.
• Increased lead absorption
• Disrupts synthesis of collagen
• Hyperactivity and/or lethargy
• Muscle disorders
• Thyroid disease
• Arthritis
• Dementia
• Bone fractures
• Lowered thyroid function
• Bone cancer (osteosarcoma)
• Inactivates 62 enzymes and inhibits more than 100
• Inhibited formation of antibodies
• Genetic damage and cell death
• Increased tumor and cancer rate
• Disrupted immune system
• Damaged sperm and increased infertility
Long-lost research linking fluoride to cancer has resurfaced in a Dutch film clip featuring Dr. Dean Burk, who in 1937 cofounded the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) and headed its cytochemistry department for more than 30 years. In the taped interview, he equates water fluoridation to “public murder,” referring to a study that had been done on the 10 largest U.S. cities with fluoridation compared to the 10 largest without it. The study demonstrated that deaths from cancer abruptly rose in as little as a year or two after fluoridation began. This and other studies linking fluoride to cancer were government-ordered but were quickly buried once fluoride was found to be linked to dramatic increases in cancer.
Fluoride … inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase in the brain, which is involved in transmitting signals along nerve cells.
Fluoride also damages the brain, both directly and indirectly. Rats given fluoridated water at a dose of 4 ppm develop symptoms resembling attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. High concentrations of fluoride accumulate in the pineal gland, which produces serotonin and melatonin.
People with Alzheimer’s disease have high levels of aluminum in their brains. Fluoride combines with aluminum in drinking water and takes it through the blood-brain barrier into the brain. Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, a neurosurgeon, spells out in chilling detail the danger fluoride poses to one’s brain and health in general in his book Health and Nutrition Secrets that can Save Your Life (2002).
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